Knitting Abbreviations + Terms
When you’re falling in love with yarn and first learning how to knit and how to read a knitting pattern, it can feel like you’re learning a new language… So many knitting abbreviations and terms to navigate! We’re here to translate, and also, in many cases, to show you how to do it with our excellent free knitting tutorials. Next, start speaking your new language and cast on for one of our knitting patterns… Explore and get inspired! And if you’re still stuck, we’re always here to help.
Knitting Tutorials >
General[ ]work instructions within brackets as many times as directed
( )work instructions within parentheses as many times as directed
*repeat the instructions following the single asterisk as directed
**repeat instructions between asterisks as many times as directed or repeat from a given set of instructions
Bbegbegin, beginning
bk2togbrioche knit 2 together; knit next knit stitch together with its paired yarnovertutorial bk3togright-slanting brioche decreasetutorial bp2togbrioche purl 2 together; purl next purl stitch together with its paired yarnovertutorial bsk2pleft-slanting brioche decreasetutorial Ccablea decorative stitch that looks like a twisted rope or braidtutorial CCcontrast color
cncable needle (aka cable stitch holder)tutorial contcontinue
csdcentered single decrease; a slantless single-stitch decreasetutorial Ddecdecrease, decreases, decreasingtutorial double knit(ting)a technique for creating a reversible fabrictutorial Fflfront loop(s)
follfollow, follows, following
Ggraft(ing)a method of joining two sets of live stitches; see 'kitchener stitch'tutorial ggram(s)
Kkfb knit front and back; a single-stitch increasetutorial k1 ulsknit 1 under loose strand; a decorative stitch techniquetutorial k2togknit 2 stitches together; a right-slanting, single-stitch decreasetutorial kitchener stitchmethod of grafting live stitches togethertutorial kwiseknitwise; as if to knit
LLHleft hand
LLIleft lifted increase; a single-stitch increasetutorial lp(s)loop(s)
m1make 1 stitch; either right or lefttutorial m1 backward loopmake 1 stitch with a backward looptutorial m1Lmake 1 left; left-slanting, single-stitch increasetutorial m1Rmake 1 right; right-slanting, single-stitch increasetutorial MCmain color
Pp2togpurl 2 stitches together; a single-stitch decreasetutorial p2tog tblpurl 2 stitches together through the back loops; similar to ssp; a one-stitch decreasetutorial pat(s) or pattpattern(s)
pfbpurl front and back; a single-stitch increasetutorial pick(ing) upa method of putting more stitches on your needlestutorial poppopcorn; see 'bobble'
pssopass slipped stitch over
pwisepurlwise; as if to purl
Rremremain, remaining
rev St streverse stockinette stitch: the purl side of stockinette stitch
RHright hand
RLIright lifted increase; a single-stitch increasetutorial rnd(s)round(s)
RSright side
sk2pslip 1, knit 2 together, pass slip stitch over (psso); a two-stitch decreasetutorial skpslip, knit, pass stitch over; a single-stitch decrease
sl stslip stitch(es)
sl1kslip 1 knitwise
sl1pslip 1 purlwise
sl1, k1, pssoslip one, knit one, pass slipped stitch over; a single-stitch decrease
smslip marker; pass stitch marker from left needle to right needle
sskslip, slip, knit these 2 stitches together; a left-slanting, single-stitch decreasetutorial ssp slip, slip, purl; one-stitch decrease; also known as p2tog tbltutorial ssskslip, slip, slip, knit these 3 stitches together; a left-slanting, two-stitch decrease
St ststockinette stitch, stocking stitch
s2kpslip 2 together knitwise, k1, pass slipped stitches over (psso); a centered two-stitch decreasetutorial s2ppslip, slip, purl, pass slipped stitches over (psso); a centered two-stitch decrease worked on the wrong sidetutorial Ttblthrough back loop
Wwrp-twrap and turn; a short-row shaping techniquetutorial WSwrong side
wyibwith yarn in back
wyifwith yarn in front
yf or yfwdyarn forward
yrnyarn around needle
yonyarn over needle