Slip Knit Two Together Pass (sk2p)
Short for “slip one, knit two together, pass slipped stitch over,” sk2p is a left-leaning double decrease, which means it leans left and it decreases your stitch count by two. You work an sk2p over three stitches, decreasing two and finishing with one. Because this decrease slants to the left, it’s often used in decorative lace and cable stitch patterns and often as a mirror to the right-leaning knit 3 together (k3tog). Although the sk2p decrease is several steps, none of them are difficult! Here is our Slip Knit Two Together Pass Tutorial to show you how to do it…
Sk2p: The Short Answer
Sk2p: Slip 1 stitch purlwise, knit next 2 stitches together (k2tog), pass the slipped stitch over the k2tog and off the needle. [2 stitches decreased]
Sk2p: Step-By-Step
First, slip one stitch purlwise. To do this, just insert the right needle into the next stitch on the left needle as if to purl (from back to front through the front leg of the stitch) and bring it to the right needle without working it.
Next, knit the next two stitches together by inserting the right needle into the second and then the first stitches on the left needle, then wrap the yarn counterclockwise around the back needle and pull the yarn through both stitches… Just as if you were knitting one stitch! Check out our Knit 2 Together (k2tog) Tutorial, if you need more help with this step.
Finally, insert the left needle into the front leg of the stitch that you slipped (the second stitch on the right needle) and pass it over the k2tog and off the right needle, like you would when you bind off.
That’s all it takes to work an sk2p! Now that you’ve mastered our Slip Knit Two Together Pass Tutorial, try our Lace Margins Wrap, which uses sk2p to create beautiful lace motifs at either edge of the wrap!
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