Brioche Stitch creates a wonderfully lofty, widely ribbed fabric. People often find it intimidating, perhaps due to the yarn overs or maybe because of the abbreviations used in the pattern, but really, this stitch pattern is surprisingly easy. Watch our Brioche Stitch tutorial below for a step-by-step video, explaining how to knit brioche one-color brioche stitch, and skip down to the Fixing Mistakes section of our still photo tutorials (below) to learn how to hit the undo button when you make a snafu!

Click To See Video Transcript

Hey, this is Laura from Purl Soho and today I’m going to demonstrate the basics of brioche stitch. This stitch is created by working a combination of yarn overs with slip stitches from the row below and then in the subsequent row working those pairs together. The result is this very beautiful dimensional kind of broad rib fabric.

I am working flat, as you can see here, and we’re working over an even number of stitches, and what that means is that it’s just a single row repeat. Let’s get started. The first thing you have to do for brioche stitch is work a setup row. The very first stitch is my selvedge stitch and I’m simply going to knit one.

Okay, now let’s jump into the repeat. Step one is to do a YOS. That’s a yarn over slip. So I’m going to take my working yarn. between my two needles to the front of my work. Then I’m going to use the tip of this right needle to slip one stitch purlwise off the left needle onto the right needle. Next I’m going to take this working yarn over the top of my needle in order to knit the following stitch.

And then we repeat that. I’m going to YOS, yarn to the front, slip one purlwise, working yarn over the top of the needle in order to knit one. I’m going to get untangled down here. There we go. And let’s do it one more time. YOS, so yarn to the front, slip one purlwise. Yarn over the top of the needle, knit one. The setup row is as easy as that. 

So as you can see, I’ve worked a little bit here to show you guys what the fabric looks like. And let’s jump into the basics of brioche stitch. I’m gonna begin by knitting this first selvedge stitch. Alright, and now we’re ready to get into our repeat. So the first thing you’re gonna do is a YOS.

We encountered this on the setup row, so here we are again. We’re gonna bring our yarn to the front. And For the yarn over, we’re going to slip this stitch for the slipping part of the YOS. And then we’re going to bring our working yarn across the top of the needle. And that’s going to set us up perfectly to work this pair of stitches together.

As you can see, there’s two stitches kind of on top of each other here, and that’s exactly what we want. The next stitch is called a brioche knit two together, or it can be abbreviated BK2TOG. And you just want to use the tip of this needle, insert it into both of those stitches in order to knit.

And then you can just let those fall right off. Alright, let’s do that again. So we’re going to do a YOS. So yarn over, slip purlwise, bring the yarn over the top of your needle, and then we’re ready to brioche knit two together.

Let’s do it once more. So YOS. Yarn to the front, slip one purl wise, yarn over the top of the needle, and then brioche, knit two together. And as I’m doing this, I’m setting this up perfectly for the next row, where you’re going to do the same exact thing, working these paired stitches together, and, and slipping those single stitches.

And that’s pretty much the basics of brioche stitch, this YOS brioche knit two together.

It’s as easy as that! For people who prefer still photos to videos, below is a step-by-step photo tutorial for one-color brioche, including how to fix mistakes and a few helpful notes to keep in mind!

For assistance with more Brioche Stitch techniques, visit our Brioche Stitch: Two-Color Brioche + Fixing Mistakes Tutorial and our Brioche Stitch: Basic Decreases Tutorial!


Slip Stitches

Slip all slipped stitches purlwise unless indicated otherwise.

Counting Stitches

When counting stitches in Brioche Stitch, yarn overs are not included in the stitch count; they are paired with a knit stitch, and the knit/yarn over pair is counted as a single stitch.

The stitch pattern will produce a very pronounced rib; count only the purl and knit columns when counting stitches.

Stitch Multiple

The most basic version of Brioche Stitch is worked over an even number of stitches, which creates a fabric whose selvages are slightly different. To create identical selvages, add one stitch to the end (or more to both sides for a more pronounced selvage).

Abbreviations + Terms

bk2tog [brioche knit 2 together]: Knit next knit stitch together with its paired yarnover

YOS [yarn over slip]: Bring yarn forward, slip 1 purlwise, bring yarn over right needle

Brioche Stitch Photo Tutorial

And now, the above instructions broken down, step-by-step, as worked in our Brioche Scarf Pattern (pictured below)…

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Set-Up Row: *Bring yarn forward, slip one purlwise…

bring yarn over right needle…

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knit one…

repeat from * to end of row.

Then, work Row 1.

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Row 1: *Bring yarn forward, slip one purlwise…

bring yarn over right needle…

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knit the next stitch together with its paired yarnover, repeat from * to end of row.

Repeat Row 1.

NOTE: It takes several rows for the rib to take shape.

Fixing Mistakes

Brioche Stitch: One-Color Brioche + Fixing Mistakes | Purl Soho

With a crochet hook, catch the dropped stitch, being careful not to twist it. Separate the strands of yarn from the unknit stitches above it.

Brioche Stitch: One-Color Brioche + Fixing Mistakes | Purl Soho

Pass the crochet hook behind the three strands of yarn directly above the on-hold stitch.

Brioche Stitch: One-Color Brioche + Fixing Mistakes | Purl Soho

Catch the third strand of yarn with the crochet hook and bring it below the bottom two strands to the face of the fabric.

Brioche Stitch: One-Color Brioche + Fixing Mistakes | Purl Soho

Pull the strand through the on-hold stitch, making a new stitch on the crochet hook.

Brioche Stitch: One-Color Brioche + Fixing Mistakes | Purl Soho

Repeat these steps with the next three strands of yarn until all the strands have been chained up. Place the final stitch back on the needles.

NOTE: If you have one leftover strand of yarn, check if it’s the paired yarn over to be placed on the needle with the final picked up stitch.

Give It A Try

Check out these One-Color Brioche Projects to give this stitch a try!

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Our Brioche Vest (pictured above left), our Husk Wrap (pictured above right) and our Brioche Scarf (pictured below).

Brioche Stitch: One-Color Brioche + Fixing Mistakes | Purl Soho

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