Brioche Stitch is not only lofty and cozy, but its distinctive ridges and valleys also make it ripe for graphic shaping. Sole Salvo developed this centered 4-stitch decrease in brioche stitch for her wonderful Dog Park Sweater. We love how it maintains the sumptuous ribbing of brioche and makes a neat decrease in one fell swoop! Our Brioche Centered 4-Stitch Decrease tutorial and video walk you through every step…

Below is a step-by-step photo tutorial of this decrease, plus some helpful notes to keep in mind!

And for assistance with more Brioche Stitch techniques, visit our Brioche Stitch: One-Color Brioche + Fixing Mistakes Tutorial, our Brioche Stitch: Two-Color Brioche + Fixing Mistakes Tutorial and our Brioche Stitch: Basic Decreases Tutorial.

PHOTO TUTORIAL FOR The Brioche Centered 4-Stitch Decrease


When counting stitches in Brioche Stitch, yarn overs are not included in the stitch count; they are paired with a knit stitch (or purl stitch when working in the round), and the knit/yarn over or purl/yarn over pair is counted as a single stitch.

The stitch pattern will produce a very pronounced rib; count only the purl and knit columns when counting stitches.

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First, make sure the last stitched worked was a yos and the working yarn is over the top of the right needle, ready to continue knitting.

Identify the next two stitches on the left needle (the next stitch with its paired yarn over [don’t forget, this counts as one stitch in brioche] and the following purl stitch) and knit these 2 stitches together.

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Then slip the next stitch together with its paired yarn over from the left needle to the right.

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One more time, knit 2 together (the next purl stitch and the following knit stitch with its paired yarn over).

Now the stitch created by the last knit 2 together, the slipped knit stitch with its paired yarn over, and the stitch created by the first knit 2 together are all on the right needle. The next step is to re-arrange these three stitches, which will keep this decrease looking like Brioche.

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Slip the last stitch on the right needle (the one just created by knitting 2 together) to a stitch holder or spare double pointed needle and hold it to the back of the work.

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Slip the slipped knit stitch and its paired yarn over from the right needle back to the left needle, then place the stitch from the stitch holder or double pointed needle back onto the left needle.

Brioche Stitch: Centered 4-Stitch Decrease (bc4d) | Purl Soho

Slip the remaining knit 2 together stitch on the right needle back to the left needle.

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Now the stitches created by those knit 2 togethers are right next to each other on the left needle. Knit those stitches together…

Brioche Stitch: Centered 4-Stitch Decrease (bc4d) | Purl Soho

…and slip the resulting stitch back to the left needle.

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Pass the slipped knit stitch and its paired yarn over over the stitch you just worked and off the left needle. Finally, slip the last remaining stitch back to the right needle.

Brioche Stitch: Centered 4-Stitch Decrease (bc4d) | Purl Soho

And that’s the completed Brioche Centered 4-Stitch Decrease!

Looking for more inspiration? Explore all of our free knitting patterns and knitting tutorials, buy one of our many knitting kits and yarn bundles, and shop for beautiful yarn. We have over 35 gorgeous natural fiber yarns in 100’s of magnificent colors, designed to bring integrity, beauty, and joy to your next knitting project and only available at Purl Soho!