On a hat, hanging from a garland, or in a bowl on the table, pom poms are nothing but fun! Read below for our Pom Pom tutorial where we show you how we make super dense, perfectly round, happy, and fun Pom Poms!

Pom Pom Tutorial | Purl Soho

Here we show you all our tricks for making a perfectly dense and fluffy one-color pom pom, using our Pom Pom Maker Set. For tips on making fancier designs, like polka dots, color blocks, and sprinkles, pick up our Pom Pom Pattern… get the Maker Set, Pattern, and a bouquet of yarn in fun colors and you’ll be on your way.

Pom Pom Tutorial | Purl Soho


  • A U-shaped pom pom maker. For our Pom Pom Tutorial used Purl Soho’s Pom Pom Maker Set.
  • Yarn, amount depends on weight of yarn and size of pom pom.
  • Embroidery floss, for securing the pom pom (or some of the yarn you used to make your pom pom, if it’s strong)
  • Very sharp scissors


Our Pom Pom Tutorial explains how to make pom poms using Purl Soho’s Pom Pom Maker Set, but these instructions apply to all U-shaped pom pom makers (even ones you cut out of cardboard!) and almost any yarn.

Determine the Size

Your pom pom’s size depends on the size pom pom maker and trim guide you use. The maker determines the initial size of the pom pom and the trim guide determines the size of the finished pom pom.

Our Small + Large Pom Pom Maker Set includes two pom pom makers and six trim guides.

Here’s what size pom poms to expect from these tools…

Pom Pom Tutorial | Purl Soho

Our Extra Large + Jumbo Pom Pom Maker Set includes two pom pom makers and two trim guides.

Here’s what size pom poms to expect from these tools…

Pom Pom Tutorial | Purl Soho


Pom Pom Tutorial | Purl Soho

NOTE: Before you begin, if your yarn is in a skein, be sure to wind it into a ball. For tips on how, please visit our tutorial.

To start, tuck one end of yarn into the notch on either arm of the pom pom maker. (Our makers have notches, but if yours doesn’t, just use your finger to pin the end against the maker as you begin.)

Now wind the yarn around the pom pom maker’s arms. The number of revolutions you make depends on the size pom pom you want, i.e. on the trim guide you intend to use. For nice, dense pom poms, refer to the following chart for the number of revolutions we recommend making.

NOTE: You can use two ends of yarn at the same time so that you only need to wrap half the number of revolutions. If you’re working with a ball of yarn whose other end is buried, just roll that ball into two!

For Purl Soho’s Pom Pom Maker Set, these are our recommendations…

Pom Pom Tutorial | Purl Soho

NOTE: For fingering weight yarn, adjust the number of revolutions for the yarn you’re using: more revolutions for thinner yarn and fewer for thicker yarn.

Once you’ve wrapped the yarn, tuck it into either notch and cut the yarn.


Pom Pom Tutorial | Purl Soho

Cut an 18-inch length of embroidery floss (we’re using red here for clarity, but we used ecru for our actual pom pom), and thread one end through the space under the wraps of yarn. Pull the floss a bit more than halfway through.

Pom Pom Tutorial | Purl Soho

Bring that same end of the floss up and over the center of the wrapped yarn, and thread it back through the same space once more. Bring that end up and over the wrapped yarn again.

Pom Pom Tutorial | Purl Soho

Bring the two ends of floss together, making sure the floss is centered on and perpendicular to the wraps. Now tie a surgeon’s knot by making a half granny (like the first step of tying your shoes), but wrapping the end through the loop twice. Pull the knot to the surface of the yarn, but don’t pull tight just yet.

Pom Pom Tutorial | Purl Soho

Carefully slide the yarn from the pom pom maker and now pull the knot as tight as possible without breaking the floss. Use a spare finger to anchor the surgeon’s knot and tie a half granny knot.

Pom Pom Tutorial | Purl Soho

Bring the ends of the floss to the back side of the pom pom, making sure to pass the floss through the middle of the loops without catching any. Tie another very tight surgeon’s knot, and secure it with a half granny. The center of the pom pom should feel very firm. If it doesn’t, repeat these steps to tie another set of knots.

Now trim the embroidery floss, either close to the knot if you plan to use your pom pom like a bead (on garlands, for example), or leaving some length if you plan to tie your pom pom to something, such as a gift or zipper. In that case, be sure to not cut the embroidery floss when you’re trimming your pom pom, which is next!


Pom Pom Tutorial | Purl Soho

Now trim through the center of all the yarn loops. Be sure to also cut through the little loops that may be buried closer to the center of the pom pom.

Pom Pom Tutorial | Purl Soho

Holding the pom pom flat, center the trim guide on the pom pom. Gripping the guide firmly in place, trim along its perimeter, making the cuts straight down, perpendicular to the guide. Place the trim guide on the center of the back side of the pom pom and trim around once more.

Pom Pom Tutorial | Purl Soho

Now fluff up the pom pom. It should be a bit of an oblong at this point. Holding the pom pom so the long side of the oblong is facing you, place the trim guide on the center of the pom pom and press it flat. Trim around the guide as before, both on the front and back sides.

Pom Pom Tutorial | Purl Soho

Fluff up the pom pom again and give it a final once over, trimming off any little yarns that are still sticking out and cleaning up uneven patches. That’s it, one beautiful pom pom!

Pom Pom Tutorial | Purl Soho

We decorated these wonderful Basic Hats For Everyone in Nigh DK with an armful of colorful Pom Poms that we made with our Small + Large Pom Pom Maker Set following our Pom Pom steps tutorial.

Looking for more inspiration? Explore all of our free knitting patterns and knitting tutorials, buy one of our many knitting kits and yarn bundles, and shop for beautiful yarn. We have over 35 gorgeous natural fiber yarns in 100’s of magnificent colors, designed to bring integrity, beauty, and joy to your next knitting project and only available at Purl Soho!