A New Adjustable Apron + Simple Dishtowels | Purl Soho

Since making my Adjustable Apron last summer, it has become a real staple in my kitchen! It is now worn-in and soft from repeated washes, and it proudly displays fabric ink smudged across the chest and spaghetti sauce stains on the pocket. Somehow these battle scars just add to the apron’s beauty. I’ve been hankering to make another one because, as I mentioned in the original post, I wear aprons all the time, and I love to stock pile favorites!

A New Adjustable Apron + Simple Dishtowels | Purl Soho

Purl Soho recently got some incredible new fabrics from Japan that begged to be my next Adjustable Apron, but choosing proved difficult! There  was a light Linen Blend Solid in beautiful natural colors, a heavier Upholstery Weight Solid, and an absorbent, soft, and totally unique Herringbone. I loved each more than the next! And so, I used all three and ended up with an awesome new apron and a lovely set of three simple dishtowels finished with pretty Cotton Chambray Ribbon.

A New Adjustable Apron + Simple Dishtowels | Purl Soho

I’m especially excited about the dishtowel pattern, because if there’s one thing I use more than my apron, it’s dishtowels! Don’t be fooled by their professional finish; they’re totally easy! The apron and dishtowels together would make an incredible housewarming or wedding gift. The apron adjusts to fit anyone, and the dishtowels are pretty enough to be special and sturdy enough to use everyday. Best of all, the whole shebang can be sewn in an afternoon! Thanks! -Molly

A New Adjustable Apron + Simple Dishtowels | Purl Soho

Adjustable Apron


A New Adjustable Apron + Simple Dishtowels | Purl Soho

  • 1 1/4-yards of Ecrulet Herringbone in Grey (Please Note: The original fabrics used in this project are no longer available. To view our full line of fabrics, click here!)
  • 1/2-yard of Linen Blend Solid in Lavendar
  • 3 yards of 30mm Twill Tape in Ecru
  • 100% cotton thread in color 3260


For the full, free Adjustable Apron pattern, visit the original post here!

Simple Dishtowels


A New Adjustable Apron + Simple Dishtowels | Purl Soho

To make a set of three dishtowels:

  • 1/2 yard of each : Kiyohara Linen Blend Solid in Lavendar, Kiyohara Upholstery Weight Solid in Brown, Ecrulet Herringbone in Grey.
  • (Please Note: The original fabrics used in this project are no longer available. To view our full line of fabrics, click here!)
  • 8 yards of Chambray Cotton Ribbon in Taupe. (If you’re making less than three towels you will need 3-yards per towel.)
  • 100% Cotton Thread in color 3260

Dishtowel Size

17 inches x 27 inches

Dishtowel Pattern

Cutting + Folding

A New Adjustable Apron + Simple Dishtowels | Purl Soho

Cut one of the fabrics into a rectangle 18-inches by 28-inches.

Fold over and press each of the raw sides 1/2-inch towards the right side of the fabric. Tuck in and press the corners in as shown above so they look neatly mitered.

Pinning on the Ribbon

A New Adjustable Apron + Simple Dishtowels | Purl Soho

Press the end of the ribbon into a point with the raw edges facing the wrong side of the ribbon. Starting 1 1/2-inches from the folded end of the ribbon pin the ribbon, right side facing up, to the edge of the right side of the cut and folded fabric, 1/8-inch from the folded edge. You will be pinning over the raw edge of the fabric in this process.

A New Adjustable Apron + Simple Dishtowels | Purl Soho

When you get to the upper left corner let the ribbon go straight past the corner as shown above.

A New Adjustable Apron + Simple Dishtowels | Purl Soho

Then turn the ribbon around, without twisting it, leave a 6-inch loop and begin pinning it across the next side.

A New Adjustable Apron + Simple Dishtowels | Purl Soho

When you get to the other three corners fold the ribbon back on itself away from the fabric forming a 45-degree angle fold as shown above.

A New Adjustable Apron + Simple Dishtowels | Purl Soho

Fold the ribbon back again, retaining the 45-degree fold from the previous step and forming a right angle on top of it, and continue pinning it across the next side, as shown above.

A New Adjustable Apron + Simple Dishtowels | Purl Soho

When you get back to the beginning of the ribbon cut the ribbon to overlap the beginning by three inches. Fold the newly cut end into a point towards the wrong side.

A New Adjustable Apron + Simple Dishtowels | Purl Soho

Fold and press the end 1/2-inch towards the wrong side and then pin it on top of the beginning of the ribbon thus hiding the pointed end of the ribbon.


A New Adjustable Apron + Simple Dishtowels | Purl Soho

Edge stitch the outside edge of the ribbon onto the fabric. When you come to a corner leave the needle down, pick up the foot, pivot the fabric 90-degrees and continue sewing. Backstitch at the beginning and end of this seam.

A New Adjustable Apron + Simple Dishtowels | Purl Soho

Edge stitch the inside of the ribbon on in the same manner backstitching at the beginning and end of the seam.

A New Adjustable Apron + Simple Dishtowels | Purl Soho

NOTE: When going around the looped corner make sure to keep it neat by pivoting in the same manner.

A New Adjustable Apron + Simple Dishtowels | Purl Soho

Repeat all steps for the remaining two dishtowels and you’ll be all done!

Update 2024: You can explore our current collection of beautiful fabrics and supplies on our page of Sewing Tools + Notions!