Felt Candy Hearts
One of my very first sewing projects was a heart-shaped Valentine’s Day pillow. Under the fearless tutelage of my kindergarten teachers Pat and Dot, I first sewed together two pieces of bright red flannel. Then, with my shakey five-year-old handwriting, I embroidered “I Love You” in thick white wool. We all took our time using blunt needles to spell out those three little words, and I remember feeling so proud when I presented it to my mom.
This year I’m revisiting that homey, straight-from-the-heart kind of Valentine gift with these hand stitched little Felt Candy Hearts. They’re great for storing candy, notes and trinkets and are truly as easy as pie to sew. I love to think of the happy pride kids will have when they bring to school their very own sewn-with-care Felt Candy Hearts. I remember that feeling well!
So grab a bundle of our ultra easy-to-use 100% Wool Felt (I used the pretty Fuchsia colorway) and some cheerful DMC pearl cotton, and get started, teacher! — Molly
PS: For more speedy to sew felt Valentine’s project ideas please check out the following journals (listed clockwise from top left):
Happy Valentine’s Day!

To make up to 48 felt pouches:
- A Fuchsia Felt Bundle
- DMC Pearl Cotton in complimentary colors. I used colors 818, 718, and 604.
- A Felt Candy Hearts template, available for free download here, printed and cut out.
For each heart cut out a back, bottom, and top piece.
Cut a 20-inch length of pearl cotton. Thread it onto an embroidery needle and tie a knot at the end.
Using a small running stitch sew along the bottom of the top piece as shown above.
Place the bottom piece on top of the back piece with their edges flush.
Place the newly sewn top piece on the back and bottom pieces and pin all three pieces together.
Using a small running stitch sew around the perimeter of the heart.
Tie a knot at the back of the heart once you get all the way around and cut the thread.
It will have an overlap opening where you can stash candy and treats!
Repeat for your desired number of hearts and you’ll be all done!
Update 2024: You can explore our current collection of beautiful fabrics and supplies on our page of Sewing Tools + Notions!
Hi – I am one of those kindergarten teachers that have my students sew big red hearts to make Valentine Bags! I also co-run an after school sewing club. My students will love love this heart pocket project – great idea! Thanks!
I just love your valentine crafts. They are presented so clearly and with amazing style. Thank you for another Purl Bee Classic!
Are both hearts the same length? How do they overlap?
Hi Kim-
The two front pieces are not the same length. They overlap by about 1/4-inch along the center. If you cut out out the free templates you can probably see how it works by lining up the paper pieces.
Thanks for your question!
Thank you so much for sharing this adorable Valentine felt craft!. My 2 yr old granddaughter will have so much fun finding what BeBe has hidden these little cutie hearts.
This is darling! Thank you so much for sharing! ^_^
The hearts are really sweet. I made a few but am wondering if my templates were printed much smaller than they shold be. Can you tell me how long and wide they should be. Thanks so much. Marti
Hi Marti-
They are pretty small- a little under 3-inches in width. But if yours are ending up smaller you might want to check that the template is printing at 100%.
Or if you want them to be larger you can print the template at 150% or 200%.
Thank you for your question!
Thanks, Molly. I'll print my templates larger as you suggested. I can't wait to make them for the
2 and 3 year olds in my Sunday School Class. Just the right size for tiny fingers. Have a great day!
These are just adorable! I always want to make pretty much every project I see here, but I reckon the level of sewing in this one is just right for me!
I included a link to this in my post on the top 20 homemade Valentine's projects: http://wolvesinlondon.com/2013/01/31/valentines-presents/
This is so gorgeous and great instructions! I've just made one as a last minute pressie. Would you mind if I blog it? Linking back to you of course x
Hi Natasha
You can certainly blog about it as long as you link back here for the instructions.
Thank you!
Wow! This is so cool, thanks!
I found this project via Pinterest totally by accident! Thank you for such a cute little project! 🙂