Weaving In Ends As You Go
Playing with color in your knitting is all fun and games until you have dozens and dozens of tails to weave in… GULP. That’s when knowing how weaving in ends as you go comes in very handy! Whenever you change colors so much that you’re headed toward a ton of tails, weaving in as you go saves you that hassle, as well as time and even yarn. The Incredible Blanket is a perfect example of striping that really benefits from this technique, and we demonstrate weaving in your ends as you go on that project in our video below!
Here’s the same information as our video, but shown with a photo and text…
Usually, you’ll weave in ends as you go at the beginning of a new row and when joining a new color. It’s also good to remember that this technique works best when it’s worked along with a knit stitch and a stitch or two away from the very edge of the fabric, so work one or two stitches in your pattern, and at the next knit stitch, begin weaving in your ends as you go as follows…
To weave in ends as you go, hold the tails of the new and old color together, bring them over the working yarn at the wrong side of the work, and knit the next stitch; then, drop the tails and work the next stitch as normal. Continue knitting in tails every other stitch for approximately 1 inch.
And that’s Weaving In Ends As You Go!
The Incredible Blanket is an easier than it looks free knitting pattern, and it is made with every single color of our extraordinary 40-color Linen Quill Minis Bundle.
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