Flying Geese Block
The Flying Geese Block is a very useful rectangular quilt block that can either be used on it’s own (as in the quilt above) or as a building block for other blocks.
In the example we will use two fabrics, Fabric A (the red fabric) and Fabric B. The block in the example is 4 1/2-inches on it’s own which means it will be 4-inches finished within a quilt.
From Fabric A cut one 4 1/2-inch by 2 1/2-inch rectangle.
From Fabric B cut two 2 1/2-inch squares.
Using a Hera Marker or erasable fabric marker mark a diagonal line across the wrong side of both squares.
This diagonal line is your sew line.
The next four steps are each pictured in the photo above, from top to bottom:
Step 1: With right sides together, pin a marked square of Fabric A to the left side of a Fabric B rectangle. The sew line should be going from the bottom left corner of the square to the top right corner. Pin on both sides of the sew line.
Step 2: Sew across the sew line.
Step 3: Trim off the outside left corner 1/4-inch above the sew line.
Step 4: With the right side facing press the Fabric A triangle upwards (with the seam allowance pointing towards Fabric A on the back) to form a rectangle as shown in the last step in the picture above.
The next 4 steps are each pictured in the photo above from top to bottom
Step 1: To sew the next side of the block pin the remaining Fabric A squares to the left side of the rectangle, right sides together. The sew line should be going from the bottom right corner of the square up to the top left corner. Pin on both sides of the sew line.
Step 2: Sew across the sew line.
Step 3: Cut off the upper right hand corner 1/4-inch above the sew line.
Step 4: Press the newly pieced Fabric A triangle up. You will now have a complete flying geese block, a rectangle with a triangle of Fabric B in the middle. The seam allowances should be pressed away from the center triangle on the back.
The block is all done!
Update 2024: You can explore our current collection of beautiful fabrics and supplies on our page of Sewing Tools + Notions!