Friendship Bracelets
Macraméd friendship bracelets were all the rage when I was growing up in the eighties. All the girls at my school would obsessively make them for one another in a dizzying variety of colors, widths, and patterns. It’s amazing, thinking back, that such young girls could make such beautifully intricate accessories.
I, of course, tried my hand at making them as well. I would ride my bike down to the five-and-dime store and pick out the most sophisticated color combinations of embroidery floss I could find, but when it came to the actual macramé I never got beyond plain stripes. There was nothing wrong with plain stripes, except that the other girls seemed so much more advanced with their diamonds and chevrons. A bit intimidated, I never did become a big friendship bracelet expert.
Fast forward 20 years: Purl Soho started carrying DMC Cotton Embroidery Floss in every conceivable color (including fluorescents! ) and so, clearly, my time with friendship bracelets had finally come! After a bit of research, I discovered that what had eluded me as a child is actually really simple. It turns out that there are only two major friendship bracelet knots, a right knot and a left knot. That’s it. After all these years, they only took me a few minutes to learn!
Making friendship bracelets is a surprisingly easy craft, and best of all, in the end you’ll have a bunch of cute summer bracelets to give to your pals. These are also a great thing to make with kids because they don’t require any pins, needles, or scissors, and you can make them as simple or as complicated as you want. Once you learn the basics there’s no limit to the beautiful patterns you can create!
Designed by Purl Soho designer, Molly Schnick. Click here to see even more of Molly’s work!
Since this is such a free form enterprise the amount of colors of DMC embroidery floss you get is really up to you. We used a package of the DMC Light Effects Fluorescent Embroidery Floss and then picked our individual colors around them. Here is a list of the individual colors we used: Ecru, Blanco, 155, 156, 157, 307, 445, 453, 606, 648, 666, 712, 746, 906, 907, 956, 3033, 3761, 3843. For our full selection of DMC Embroidery Floss click here and for the fluorescent pack click here.
Please not that the fluorescent thread is slightly thicker than the regular DMC floss. So if you are mixing the two together it works best if you pull out and discard one ply of the fluorescent thread.
To begin, pick out your colors. For the purposes of this how-to and the following patterns each color will be assigned a number.
For patterns use a doubled length of thread cut each color to a length of 72-inches. Hold the cut pieces together, fold them in half, and then make a 3/4-inch long slip knot at the fold.
Using a safety pin pin the loop to your jeans (or any other stable piece of fabric that you don’t mind getting holes in) to keep it steady.
Arrange the threads as instructed in the pattern. In the example above the thread order would be: 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 3, 2, 1
For patterns that use a single length of thread cut a 36-inch length from each color. Arrange the pieces in the proper order. Leaving a 6-inch tail, tie a simple overhand knot to start.
The Left Knot
Place a piece of thread (in this case thread #1) over the piece thread to its right (in this case thread #2) in a sort of a “4” shape as shown above
Pull the end of the thread through this “4” loop creating a knot.
While holding the right thread taut pull up the left thread to form a tight knot as shown above. Repeat once more. Both the Left and Right Knots are actually made up of two knots each.
If you are tying more than one Left Knot in a row you will use the same thread (in this case thread #1) to tie the subsequent knots along the a row from left to right.
Right Knot
The right knot is made in the same manner as the left but in the opposite direction.
Place a piece of thread over its left hand neighbor in the “P” shape shown above.
Pull the thread’s end through the “P” to form a knot.
While pulling the left thread tightly down pull the right thread up to form a taut knot. Repeat this once to make a full Right Knot. Remember both the left and right knots are actually made up of two knots each.
If you are tying more than one Right Knot in a row you will use the same thread (in this case thread 1) to tie the subsequent knots along the row from right to left.
There are a couple of good ways to end your friendship bracelets.
To end a bracelet that starts with a loop separate the threads into two equal groups. Braid each group and tie a knot at the end trimming the ends to be neat and short.
To wear pull the ends though the starting loop and tie a knot.
To end a bracelet that starts with a knot tie another knot at the end of the macramé. Braid both ends and tied knots. Trim to ends to look neat.
To wear tie the ends together in a bow.
Basic Stripes
1. Use a single length of thread and any amount of colors you like. Arrange the color in a pleasing order.
2. Starting at the far left tie a row of Left Knots using the 1st color across the whole width of the bracelet.
3. Repeat step 2 until the bracelet is the desired length.
1. Using doubled thread and at least 3 colors arrange the threads in a mirror image. For instance, if you were using six colors as in the example above you would arrange the threads like this: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
2. Starting at the far left side make a row of left knots stopping in the middle of the bracelet when the colors start repeating. For instance, in the six color example above you would tie five left knots.
3. Starting at the far right side tie a row of right knots to the middle. When you get to the middle of the bracelet you will meet up with the thread from step 2. Tie this with a right knot as well. You will always be tying one more knot in step 3 than in step 2. For instance in the six color example above you would tie six right knots in step 3.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until the bracelet is the desired length.
As another option you can change the arrangement of the threads in step one to make a more varied and braided looking bracelet.
The diamond shape is the most complicated one I tackled so here are a step by step instructions to make a 4 color bracelet. Once you get the idea with the 4 color version you explore thinner or wider versions as well.
Here are the four threads and their corresponding numbers.
Using doubled strands start the bracelet with a loop and arrange the colors in a mirror image: colors 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 3, 2, 1.
Start by tying a left knot with both strands of color 4 in the center.
Please note, these photos start at the middle of the bracelet just because it’s easier to see the pattern that way.
Then, starting with the right hand thread 4 strand tie a row of 3 left knots as shown above.
Next take the other thread 4 strand from the middle and tie a row three right knots as shown above. This shape will be called the upside down “V” in this pattern.
In this same manner make upside down “V”s with colors 3, 2, and 1 always starting from the center and moving out.
When you get back to color 4 make a left knot in the center.
Using the right hand piece of thread 4 make a right knot with the thread directly to the right.
Using the left hand piece of thread 4 make a left knot with the thread directly to the left.
Tie the two color 4 pieces together with a left knot.
With color 1 make a “V” shape just as you would for the chevron pattern: Starting from the far left side tie a row of 3 left knots. Then, starting from the far right side tie a row of 4 right knots to form the “V” shape.
Make another “V” shape with color 2.
Starting at the far left tie two left knots with color 3.
Starting at the far right side tie two right knots with color 3.
At the far left side tie a right knot with color 4.
At the far right side tie a left knot with color 4.
With the left strand of color 3 tie two right knots in a row to the strands of colors 1 and 4 directly the left.
Do the reverse for the other side: with the right strand of color 3 tie two left knots.
Tie an upside down “V” shape with color 2.
Tie an upside down “V” shape starting with color 1.
Now you’re back at the beginning.
Repeat this until the bracelet is the desired length.
Once you get the hang of all the patterns you can mix and match them like we did in the green bracelet above.
Great tutorial! Isn't it (pull the thread) “taut” (under the 11th picture from the top). Perhaps since you are teaching this tutorial, you thought of the word “taught” as in teaching, instead…
OMG I loved making these when I was young, there were a group of us that made them for each other and I think I wore about 4 at the same time 🙂 I cant believe I totally forgot about them until I saw your post. I'm off to make some now. Thanks for the retro 80's memory jog.
Emma x
Hi anonymous-
Thanks for catching that. It's been fixed.
Oh my goodness, what a crafty blast from the past! I used to make these all the time in Jr. High. I even carried around the DMC color chart and little order forms as a side business. Thanks so much for posting this and the beautiful photographs of the process. ~Becca
When I opened this post, my stomach instantly tensed up and I went right back to being ten years old and fretting over how on earth to make diamonds – I felt so comforted by your similar experience! Thank you for giving us all another go… with your tutorial and my adult confidence I am looking forward to whipping out a few of these at the beach next week!
Thanks again 🙂
When I was young I used to make the stripes version, but they always curled up like nobody's business (into a spiral). Did you experience this?
Awesome! I have been making bracelets on and off since i was a little girl, such a cheap way to make some great things and have fun too. Loved the post and the colors you used in your bracelets. I still like going back to these but lately i have been trying some harder ones from japanese books, if you search for misanga promise ring a couple great books come up. Great job!
Love this post!
Earlier this year I was curious what internet resources were out there about this since I hadn't made bracelets in years. The best place I've found is, because there are tutorials for the more complicated patterns (like doing your name on a bracelet) and a community on there if you get stuck.
I am totally digging out my old DMC floss when I visit my mother's house this weekend!
My daughter will now be nagging me to pick up supplies. I can see we will both be busy. Thanks x
what a blast from the past! when i made these i anchored it with my big toe (the loop that is safety-pinned). I was more flexible back then.
Love these! Making these bracelets was my specialty in school and I would sell them as custom colors and fit to all my classmates (order form and all). A great trick if you don't want to put a hole in anything is to use a piece of heavy cardboard (like from the inside of a binder) and cut a slit at the top and then make a knot at the top of your thread and pop it to the back of the cardboard. This method holds it nice and tight and if you cut slits in the bottom of the cardboard you can pop your threads in and out while you knot and you never lose track of the order and you can stop at any time and know exactly what the next step is without straightening all the threads out and untangling. I still carry my boards around and make bracelets when I am in need of something to keep my hands busy! Thanks for all these cute tutorials 🙂
(I would also mark out a ruler on my boards to show how long the bracelet was at any point, no extra tools required)
I actually taught my 5 yr old the basics this summer and she is loving it! We use a clipboard to hold the bracelet steady or our big toe 🙂
Oh yes… good times. I remember I wanted to set up a business at primary school selling them!
Don't think I'd have the patience to make one now though…
this is like, THE BEST tutorial online for this. and ive looked and looked! thank you so much! you have no idea how happy this makes me!
Was just in your store buying embroidery floss for this exact thing when you mentioned this blog post. Thanks so much! I've been looking for this all day! Definitely the best instructions I've come across in my search. Would love to show you the bracelets I make when I'm finished 🙂
HI Modesta-
Please do bring the bracelets in when they're done. We LOVE seeing finished projects : )
these are so fun. i see this gal is having a friendship bracelet swap. thanks for the tutorials!
Thanks for the nice and complete tutorial. I'll try to do them for my daughter! Is it similar to “macramè” technique?
Hi Teresa-
It actually is macrame!
Thanks for the question!
Love the neon! I'm definitely going to try this! Question, though, regarding the small, neon orange and white bracelet. Which pattern did you use there? It's in the basic stripes pattern picture, but is it just using that one pattern? Thanks!
Hi Anne-
That is indeed just a stripe pattern using 2 strands of white and two strands of the neon orange.
Thanks for your question!
I love these but am having a bit of trouble. For some reason when I do the stripes the bracelet curles instead of laying flat. What am I doing wrong?
Hi Laura-
This is a very common problem. you're not doing anything wrong. It happens to me a lot with the thinner bracelets. The good thing is that they don't have to lay flat because they are going to be worn, but if it still bothers you you can block the bracelet after you are done. I laid mine flat and put it under an unplugged iron over night. In the morning it was nice and flat! Hope this helps!
Best- Molly
Thanks Molly – How tight are you doing your knots? I wonder if I am doing them too tight (with the chevron ones it seems like the join in the middle sometimes messes up the knot to the left of center).
One last question 🙂 – when you do the join in the center you cross right over left. After doing that do you switch the side that those threads are on (i.e. the right string becomes part of the left side, while the left string that was just crossed over becomes part of the right)?
I hope that makes sense.
After reading your response (re: re curling), I wanted to clarify that mine are twisting around themselves (left to right) not top to bottom. Thanks!
Hi Laura-
I understand what you mean by curling, My thinner ones have a tendency to twist as well. Without seeing it it's hard for me to tell if your knots are too tight but if I were you I'd experiment with tying them looser and seeing if that helps.
Regarding your second question- when you tie the middle knot with a right knot as detailed in Step 3 of the Cheveron pattern the threads will automatically switch places. (Ie the right string wiill become part of the left half and vise versa.)
Thank you so much for your questions!
– Molly
And thank you for the answers!
Great! Now I just need to figure out how to tie a bow with one hand….
Great tutorial! We're packing up for a weekend of camping (and a long drive). I grabbed a bunch of floss I had laying around, some safety pins and scissors. The kiddos will have a blast making these! (Me too!) Thanks!
Thank you for the diamond-pattern, I was so happy when I finally found a good guide 🙂
I remember making these in school- good times! I'm going to pick up some supplies the next time I go to the craft store. Thanks for the beautiful guide!
What's the difference between chevron and the first example? They both look like chevrons.
Hi Anon-
The first one is a chevron, but it doesn't explain the entire pattern, it just details the left and right knot.
Thanks for your question!
– Molly
Would you mind posting which colors (numbers) you used for each bracelet? Love them!
I tried the basic stripe and it just turned out all wrong! It was twisting and looping everywhere and it got to the point where I couldn't even tell which piece of string went where. I made a big mess!!
Thank you so much…
I have been trying too remember for the past years how to make these exact bracelets. Now I can finally get started.
Perfect… I will make this a bookmark.
I was so delighted when I see this post! Tnx for making us remember good days and real friends 🙂
I repost this on my blog, I left also ur link hope that is ok 🙂
kissssssssssses from serbia :))))))))))))
i've forgotten how to make these. thank you soooooooo much!
Oh, I love this.
I, too, am a child of the 80's, and I, too made friendship bracelets for my friends. At one time, during the summer of '89 in a drum and bugle I had a waiting list, all in different shades and combinations of “Bluecoat Blue.” I don't think I quite made it through my backlog that summer. I've always felt kind of bad about it. Crazy, huh?
Well, maybe now I can make up for it with your fantastic tutorial.
awe. some.
thank you so much.
I was SO excited to see this (on How About Orange)!! I used to make friendship bracelets all the time in elementary school, but I too never advanced beyond stripes. I didn't have anyone to teach me or any books on the topic–or the internet!! Thanks for the refresher and the instruction on the patterns. I am so excited about the fluorescent floss–will have to order some of that right away.
About the striped bracelets curling, I think the thinner they are (the fewer strands used, 4 or less usually), the more likely they are to curl. I remember I used to make my striped ones with at least 5 strands or more and sometimes I would add an extra knot–definitely always did two knots on each strand but sometimes I think I tried 3 to help with the curling. Just some thoughts . . . but it's been a while . Thanks again!!
P. S. Showing the different ways to end the bracelets was really helpful. thanks!
I remember making these! I don't remember how mine turned out. I remember thinking the ones I made were the most gorgeous things ever. I don't even think they came close to these though. Oh good times… Thanks for making me remember. I'll definitely try it again!
The diamond pattern looks like it says ” X O X O X O ” 🙂
I love making friendship bracelets. I really like the diamond pattern one too. I may try this one to add to my collect! If I do this one is going right next to my cupcake, watermelon, and Tootsie Roll ones!
Thanks for this clear tutorial! I used to make them when I was a kid as well, but I forgot how to do it! So I'm really happy that you wrote such a clear tutorial. I posted photos of my own bracelets on my blog, with a link to your tutorial. Feel free to have a look!
These bring me back!!! I'm making a ton for my daughter's birthday party, as well as a few for my daughter, niece & nephew for Mother's Day gifts. I featured this tutorial in my Weekend Find blog this weekend, here:
Thanks for all the info!!
In 1994 I was in 4th grade and moved from Maryland to Oregon with my mom. One thing I remember most about the drive was sulking in the backseat making friendship bracelets for all the friends I had left. I am getting ready to move from Oregon to Florida for grad school and have started making all my friends friendship bracelets again and it is so fun and nostalgic. I do still have a problem with them curling though, maybe I just always have a tendency to knot too tight.
Hi Anna-
They actually just tend to curl. It's the nature of the macrame stitch and nothing you're doing wrong. You can combat this by blocking the bracelets after you're done, like you would a knitting project. I actually spray them wet and then iron them flat!
Thanks for your comment!
Hi! Thank you so much for these patterns! they are beautiful!!! 🙂 I have one question though, how many strings do you use for the wider diamond bracelet?? do you just double? Thank You!
Hi Sarahliz-
It is just double- it's 8 strands.
Thank you for your question and for your kind words!
Hi, I know how to do the basic chevrons, but was wondering how you do the one that is second to the right in your photo, with the non matching adjacent color.
Hi Hannah-
There is a brief description of that bracelet at the end of the chevron pattern. It's done exactly like the regular chevron bracelet but you mix up the order of the threads in the first step so that they are in a random order.
Thank you for your question!
Wow this really helped thanks!
I LOVE this article!! This was very helpful, as I need to see the steps AND read it.
Thank you for posting this!!!
Thank you for the wonderful tutorial! So easy to follow, I will definitely make some for me and my friends 🙂 Love your blog!
Wow thanks so much!!! I just tried this for the first time after failing at other tutorials so I'm really happy I came across one that actually makes sense (:
Wow I’m so happy I came across your article so very happy
Thanks for the great tutorial! I saw these at an Indian powwow in Chicago and I always wanted to know how to make them. Thanks a lot really cool!
um hello i realy know that i can do this but im broke and my parents dont want to buy me strings:( and i just wanted to ask were they sell them cheap that i can aford
i have a bracelet maker kit its like a clipboard that is specifically made to make a braclet. Would it be OK if I use it instead of a safety pin.
Dear Abby-
That would certainly be fine.
Thank you!
oh my gosh so cute!!!!!! awesome but i need thread i have miles of yarn but only 2 feet of thread can i use yarn
Hi Violet-
Sure! You can use yarn! Thanks for getting in touch!
This was amazing! I've been making friendship bracelets for years but was never able to figure out the diamond pattern. Thanks for the tutorial!
Hello! Thank you for this great tutorial! Looks super fun, cute and simple. Just wondering, though, did you really mean to say to cut 72 inches? I measured it out,
and that's really long. But anyway, thank you, thank you! I'm dying to try these!
Hi Lily-
Yes 72-inches is correct. You then fold the thread in half so you're working with 36-inch lengths. Thanks for your question!
i am in love
How do you do the cross bit??? you only told me what i already know! how do you do the actual crosses?!
Hi Kat-
I'm not sure I understand your question. The full patterns for all of the bracelets can be found above. It sounds like you'd like to make the Diamond Pattern bracelet. Please let me know if you have any specific questions about the instructions.
Thanks for getting in touch!
Great guide! Sometimes when I'm tying the knots I will move on to then next and then when I go back to look at the row, in one or two knots the wrong color is showing! Any suggestions?
Hi Nikko,
I’ve found that problem as well and when correcting it I find you need to either pull all the threads downward tautly because the thread underneath buckles up over it (you’ll actually feel a little pop when you pull down and it corrects itself). The other possibility is that you unknowingly knotted with the opposite thread/thread that was supposed to be pulled straight and knotted over. 3rd thing that happened sometimes is doing a right knot when you were supposed to have done a left knot 🙂 Hope that helps!
Hi Nikko-
The only thing I can think of is to make sure that the knots are tight and not showing the thread underneath. Sorry we can't be of more help!
Thank you fro writing in!
my name is Getinet.from addis ababa Ethiopia.i just began bracelets friendship.i got the material now.but who can each me through video(Skype) or any other method?iam waiting your response.
Thank you
Hi Getinet-
We don't offer video or skype classes but the full pattern and instructions are included in this story. If you have any specific questions about the pattern we would be happy to help. Thank you!
Love this post so much! Found it on Pinterest while looking for friendship bracelets my daughter and I could make as Valentine's Day gifts. Blogged about and linked this post here:
i love the diamond patterns but how do i make the bracelet wider?
thanks for the great tutorial 🙂
Hi anonymous-
You can make it as wide as you like. Just use more colors (or more strands of the same colors.)
Thank you!
Love the neon pink diamond bracelet! What's the pattern for the diamond part though. How would you modify for more threads? I'm just getting a little tripped up on how to add more threads and modify the pattern? Thanks for the help and great tutorial!
Hi Clara-
The full instructions for the diamond pattern is listed under the "Diamond" heading of the pattern. To add more colors to this particular pattern simply cut your extra colors and arrange them in mirror order, just as instructed. For instance, if you had six total colors you'd arrange them as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
If you have any other questions please let us know!
Regarding the spiraling/curling, make sure you're remembering to knot two knots each time, too. Otherwise they will curl. These are beautiful and thanks for the diamond pattern!
Those bracelets are really nice ! I love it ! I put it in my last DIY selection ! I hope you don't mind 😉
Hello. How did you tie a loop to begin the purple, blue, white and grey bracelet that you made with a single length of thread for each colour?
You fold the threads in half but arrange the pattern so it’s 1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4 but still has a loop
I’m just starting to make these bracelets and their AWESOME! my brother keeps asking me to show him (i do show him) How i do it. It’s a bit hard at first but it’s amazing what the pattern comes out to be., these are amazing and i love them.
These are very beautiful… Thnx
Thank you this helped a lot! These are very pretty. I finally found a good website for making friendship bracelets! I have one question. When I make the basic stripes bracelet it always gets twisted up and it isn’t straight when I put it on. Do you know how I could fix this? Thank you.
Hi Bella-
They can get twisted up- it’s just kind of the nature of the macrame. To stop this you can press the bracelets between two heavy books for a few days to train them to lay straight.
Thanks for getting in touch!
Once both the left and right sides have been knotted how do you knot the middle ie the same colour strings. If it was in the instructions i didn’t understand it or missed it sorry.
Is it just a regular knot and is it 1 or 2 knots ?
Hi Toni,
Thanks for writing in! For the middle knot on the chevron, you will use the rightmost cord to make a right knot. This will form the center knot. It should also be a double knot to mimic the rest of the knots.
I hope that this helps!
What color is number “3”?
Hi Tyler,
Thanks for writing in! Color number 3 is DMC 453!
I hope that this helps!
hi i’m wondering if when you are making the thicker diamond bracelet, do you just do two of each color or is it more than 4 colors?
Hi Lucy,
Thanks for writing in! For the thicker diamond bracelet we use the thread doubled and to get a wider bracelet, we used more colors. You can certainly repeat colors in a wider bracelet. For the largest, we used 6 colors!
Will you ever end up selling these bracelets. Please do. They are so beautiful and if you do I will for sure buy them.
Hi Caitlin,
Thanks for reaching out! Although we do not have plans to sell finished bracelets, we do sell kits for both our Classic Friendship Bracelets and Super Easy Friendship Bracelets! The bracelets and very fast and fun to make for kids and adults alike, so I encourage you to give them a shot!
Some people’s left and right knots are different than yours. I used this tutorial, then went into YouTube, and people do them all different ways. 🙂
The instructions on the box that I bought said to do 2 knots instead of one. So do I use 1 knot or 2 knots for the diamond bracelet?
Hallo Alina,
Thanks for reaching out! You can do either 1 or 2 knots for the diamond bracelet.
Happy crafting!
Hi I was wondering when you knot the strings together how do you get the knot to be one colour not the other because say I was knotting the purple string to the blue and I wanted to purple to show up not the blue, but the blue keeps showing up?
Hi Libby,
Thanks for reaching out! The color you are using to work the left or right knots should be the one that shows up, so if you are working a left knot with the purple thread around a blue thread, the purple knots will show in the finished bracelet. It may show up better after working the full row of knots with the purple thread, so I would suggest carrying on to see if it starts looking the way you want it to. If not, please feel free to send us a picture of your work to [email protected] and we will be happy to take a look!
Love this tutorial! Just wondering but for the varied color chevron bracelet, how did you make it look not too wide if that makes sense? It looked like there were more 6 colors used for that bracelet but I probably miscounted. I tried to use similar colors like the one in the picture but I messed up really badly. Also what specific threads were used for that bracelet I love how the colors look with each other.
Thank you so much!
Thank you for reaching out! This project was made many years ago and honestly I’m not sure which exact colors were used for the multi colored bracelet. It looks like eight colors to me, there is a neon green, darker green, pink, red, royal blue, baby blue, yellow, and white. I hope this helps and let us know how it goes!
I can’t find out how to start it help!
Hello Grace,
Thank you for reaching out! To begin, pick out your colors. For the purposes of this how-to and the following patterns each color will be assigned a number. This is illustrated in the photo. The instructions continue after this how to tie your knot and secure with a safety pin.
I hope this helps and let us know if you have any further questions!
Happy crafting,
Hi I just started but I really need help is there and easier way of making the diamond bracelet for my friend as a birthday gift.
Hi Bee,
Thanks for writing in! The instructions above are the only way to achieve the diamond pattern; however, if you would like to make an easier bracelet, you may be interested in our Breezy Friendship Bracelets!
I hope that helps!
Since I’m stuck at home bcuz of COVID-19 I decided I would start making friendship bracelets and this rlly helped. It’s been 9 years since this was published but if you could make like a part 2 that would be great! 🙂
Hi Juliana,
Thank you so much for the kind words – it’s wonderful to hear that you are enjoying our tutorial! You might also be interested in our Valentines Friendship Bracelets and Braided Friendship Bracelets if you need a few more ideas for keeping busy!
About how long does it take to make a friendship bracelet in general? One hour? or less? Or the chevron pattern friendship bracelet?
Hi Jay,
Thanks for writing in! It really depends on how comfortable you are with the knotting process and how many strands are in your pattern! I have made several bracelets from our Classic Friendship Bracelet Pattern, and the first few probably took closer to two or three hours, but I hadn’t done any macrame or friendship bracelets before. As I memorized the patterns and became more proficient with the knots, the time per bracelet got closer to one hour, and probably would have been even faster with more practice. If you are in the habit of making friendship bracelets, I’m sure you will breeze right through these!
love this! Can you do diamond with more then 4 colors
Thanks for reaching out! Yes! You can work the diamond pattern with as many colors as you would like!
love and thank you
Hi guys!
How long should the strings be for the basic stripes if you are also going to do the plait at the top and the bottom of the bracelet?
I love this and I am making them for all of my family members.
Hi there,
Thanks for reaching out. You can cut the strings to 36-inch lengths for the Basic Stripes pattern! Hope this helps clarify things.
All the best,
So cool
It is so fun making these bracelets and wearing them. I get so many compliments on them!