Felt Button Slippers | Purl Sohobright felt button for a fun bit of color and voila, these slippers were born! I am a huge fan projects like this, a clear simple idea that comes together in a flash so I’m really excited to share these. –Molly

Designed by Purl Soho designer, Molly Schnick. Click here to see even more of Molly’s work!


Felt Button Slippers | Purl Soho

To make one pair of slippers

  • Two 12-inch squares of 5mm Natural Wool Felt (Please Note: unfortunately, the 5mm Felt is discontinued and we currently do not sell a thickness of felt appropriate for this project.)
  • One packet of two Large Felt Buttons in Green
  • Yellow Tailor’s Chalk
  • 100% cotton thread in colors 1140 (ecru) and 7880 (kelly green)
  • A Felt Slipper Template, download and print at this link, tape together, and cut out

Note: These slippers were made to fit a size 8 1/2 woman’s foot. You can shrink or blow up the pattern to get the size you want on a copy machine.


Felt Button Slippers | Purl Soho

Trace the template onto one of the felt pieces with the tailor’s chalk.

Felt Button Slippers | Purl Soho

Carefully cut out the shape.

Repeat for the second slipper.

Felt Button Slippers | Purl Soho

Flip one of the shapes over and orient it so that you have a left and a right slipper. The  foot shape of the left slipper will curve slightly to the right and the right slipper will curve slightly to the left as shown above.

Finishing the Slippers

Felt Button Slippers | Purl Soho

For the left slipper lay the left flap over right flap with a 3-inch overlap. Pin the flaps in place with their sides lining up on top of one another. Try on the slipper and tighten or loosen the flaps as necessary.

Felt Button Slippers | Purl Soho

Sew the flaps to one another with a few tacking stitches at the point where you will place your button using the ecru thread.

Felt Button Slippers | Purl Soho

Then, to secure the flaps together take a shallow stitch from the inside of the top flap at the middle of the overlap. This stitch should just stay within the width of the felt, and not poke through to the other side of the felt.

Felt Button Slippers | Purl Soho

Then take the same kind of shallow stitch from the other flap. Pull the thread and the stitches should pull the flaps together and be invisible. Stitch around the perimeter of the overlap with these kind of invisible stitches securing the flaps together.

Felt Button Slippers | Purl Soho

Place one of the buttons in the middle of the flaps and sew it on through both flap layers using the kelly green thread.

Felt Button Slippers | Purl Soho

To make the right slipper repeat this process but place the right flap over the left in the first step and you’ll be all done!

Update 2024: You can explore our current collection of beautiful fabrics and supplies on our page of Sewing Tools + Notions!