Here we show how to mark 60-degree diamonds on an oval, however the same principles apply to mark any quilting project with diamonds of any degree! This tutorial comes from our Quilted Placemats story.

Marking Diamonds for Quilting | Purl Soho

Line up the 60-degree marking line of your rotary cutting ruler anywhere along the bottom straight edge of the oval. Using the Hera Marker, mark a diagonal line along the right side of the ruler.

Mark another line, parallel to the first, 1 inch to the right. Continue to mark parallel lines every inch across the right side of the oval. Then, using your first marked line as a guide, repeat for the left side of the oval.

Marking Diamonds for Quilting | Purl Soho

Now place the ruler’s 60-degree line (the blue line in this photo) along one of the previously marked lines (the black line in this photo), and using the Hera Marker, mark a new line along the side of the ruler (the pink line in this photo), 60-degrees from the first line. Just as you did in the previous step, mark the entire oval with diagonal lines going in this new direction, all one inch from one another.

Marking Diamonds for Quilting | Purl Soho

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