Basic Macramé Knots (HLK + HRK)
The basic building blocks of most macramé projects, like friendship bracelets, are just two simple knots: the Half Left Knot (HLK) and the Half Right Knot (HRK). Once you have mastered them, you’ll be ready to to jump into the exciting world of macramé. Let’s get started!
Half Left Knot (HLK)
Note: In this section the “working cord” is light blue, and the “resting cord” is dark blue.
Bring the working cord to the left and then to the right, so that it lies over the resting cord directly to its right. The two cords create a numeral “4,” as pictured above.
Wrap the working cord under the resting cord and pull the working cord through the resulting loop.
Pull the working cord upwards to tighten the knot, tugging it to the right, as shown above. You have just created a Half Left Knot, also known as an HLK.
Half Right Knot (HRK)
Note: In this section the “working cord” is dark blue, and the “resting cord” is light blue.
Bring the working cord to the right and then to the left, so that it lies over the resting cord directly to its left. The two cords will create a letter “P,” as pictured above.
Wrap the working cord under the resting cord and pull the working cord through the resulting loop.
Pull the working cord upwards to tighten the knot, tugging it to the left, as shown above. You have just created a Half Right Knot, also known as an HRK.
That’s it!
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