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Our Classic Ribbed Hat Knit-Along Was A Classic!

We'd Still Love To See Your Hats, Please!

Our Classic Ribbed Hat Knit-Along may be over, but we'd still love to see your hats... They are so beautiful and inspiring! If you're still finishing yours up, please be sure to share your photos on Instagram with #PurlSohoKAL or #PurlSohoClassicRibbedHat, and you can upload your photos right here on this page, too (it’s easy!). These are also great places to browse, if you want to revel in the accomplishments of your fellow KALers... Thank you so much for joining us for this classic knit!

 #PurlSohoKAL and #PurlSohoClassicRibbedHat


Share your progress here!

Catch All The Techniques In Action!

Our Zoom + Knit recordings show you everything you need to know. We demonstrate all the techniques you need to make your hat, plus you get to be inspired by the progress of other KALers! Enjoy the recordings of our calls anytime, and note that under each video we list the time stamps of all the techniques we go over, so feel free to skip ahead if you want!


The Winners!

At the end of our Classic Ribbed Hat Knit-Along, these lucky knitters won gift cards ranging from $250 to $1000! Congratulations to the following participants who won our end-of-the-journey prizes...


-Robin Henke and Kathleen F. Bacon each received $1000 Purl Soho Gift Cards...  A huge congratulations!

-Danielle Copley, Stephanie Sinclair, Sarah Kuech, Pat Mason, and Laura Lawlesa each got a $500 Purl Soho Gift Card... Whoohoo!

-Rachel Knapp, Christina Nicole Thompson, Rachel Smith, Erika Comrie-Krupa, Lisa Sue Palmer, Claudia Campa, and Jennifer A McCarty were each winners of $250 Purl Soho Gift Cards!


Feel free to reach out us with any questions at [email protected]. We’ll get right back to you!


Another option is to check out our tutorials. They may have all the answers! For this project, you may find the following tutorials useful...


Long Tail Cast On

Joining To Work In The Round

Switching Between Knit + Purl

Stripes In The Round

Double Pointed Needles

Knit 2 Together


And finally, you can view all of our Knit-Alongs to catch up on all the fun!