Glow in the Dark Spider Web Treat Bag | Purl Soho

Growing up, I was a big fan of Halloween. I always had a great time going to the store with my mom to pick out the fabric for my costume; and I loved getting dressed up and bobbing for apples at the school party. But what I loved most of all was trick-or-treating, and not just because of the candy. It was  wild and thrilling to be out and about roaming the streets after dark, on a school night, getting free candy. To this day, when I think of Halloween I envision the foggy little streets of my hometown, Albany, California, dotted with roaming bands of witches, cats, and robots.

Glow in the Dark Spider Web Treat Bag | Purl Soho

The one thing missing from the Halloweens of my youth was a festive candy bag (I just used a brown grocery sack or a pillow case.) But if I could go back in time, I know my 7 year old self would have loved this super cool Glow in the Dark Spider Web Treat Bag. It’s just the right mix of whimsical and spooky. And it’s a snap to make! All you need is one hank of Glow in the Dark DMC embroidery floss, one 18-inch square of Wool Felt, and one yard of grosgrain ribbon, and you’re set to spin your own web!

Happy Halloween!– Molly

Designed by Purl Soho designer, Molly Schnick. Click here to see even more of Molly’s work!


Glow in the Dark Spider Web Treat Bag | Purl Soho

To make one bag:

  • 1 18-inch square of 100% Wool Felt in Navy
  • 1 hank of DMC Glow in the Dark Embroidery Floss
  • 1 yard White 25mm Grosgrain Ribbon
  • 100% cotton thread in color 6250


8 1/2-inches by 10 3/4-inches



Glow in the Dark Spider Web Treat Bag | Purl Soho

Cut the felt into two 9-inch by 11 1/2-inch pieces.

Cut two 16-inch lengths from the ribbon. Put these aside for now.


Glow in the Dark Spider Web Treat Bag | Purl Soho

Using a Hera Marker, a pencil, or a fabric marker mark one of the felt pieces in half lengthwise, widthwise, and diagonally in both directions:

Glow in the Dark Spider Web Treat Bag | Purl Soho

It’s hard to see markings on something this dark so make sure that you’ve marked it sufficiently before you start embroidering.


Glow in the Dark Spider Web Treat Bag | Purl Soho

Using a long and close together running stitch sew along the marked lines.

Glow in the Dark Spider Web Treat Bag | Purl Soho

Make sure that the lines meet up neatly in the middle. If any of these lines look messy or aren’t straight just pull them out, felt is very forgiving when it comes to embroidery.

Version 1: Curved Web

Glow in the Dark Spider Web Treat Bag | Purl Soho

Starting roughly 1 1/2-inches from the center embroider a concave curve from one of the straight embroidered lines to the adjacent straight line as shown above.

Glow in the Dark Spider Web Treat Bag | Purl Soho

Repeat this until you loop back to the first curve. Make sure the last curve meets up with the first. Don’t worry if they don’t seem symmetrical, the irregularities makes it beautiful.

Glow in the Dark Spider Web Treat Bag | Purl Soho

Repeat this process 1 1/2-inches out from the first curves loop.

Glow in the Dark Spider Web Treat Bag | Purl Soho

And finally add a third layer or curves in the same manner.

Version 2: Spiral Web

Glow in the Dark Spider Web Treat Bag | Purl Soho

Starting roughly 1/2-inch from the center stitch a spiral  connecting all of the straight lines as shown above.

Glow in the Dark Spider Web Treat Bag | Purl Soho

Keep stitching in a spiral until the spiral reaches 1/2-inch from the edge.


Glow in the Dark Spider Web Treat Bag | Purl Soho

Fold and pin the top of both of the bag panels 1/2-inch towards the wrong side.

Slide a cut piece of ribbon into this fold, 1 1/2-inches from the left and right sides. Make sure not to twist the ribbon.

Fold the ribbon upwards so that the ends are encased inside the fold. Pin it into place.

Glow in the Dark Spider Web Treat Bag | Purl Soho

Sew the fold and handles down with a 1/4-inch seam allowance.

Pin the panels together, right sides together.

Glow in the Dark Spider Web Treat Bag | Purl Soho

Sew the panels together along the left, bottom and right sides.

Snip off the bottom corners.

Glow in the Dark Spider Web Treat Bag | Purl Soho

Turn the bag right sides out and press it flat.

Now go trick or treating!

Update 2024: You can explore our current collection of beautiful fabrics and supplies on our page of Sewing Tools + Notions!