• Free domestic shipping on orders over $85!

Customer Service

For the quickest help, try clicking through to our FAQs.


If you don't get the answer you need there and you have a question about products or orders, please write to [email protected]. We'll do our very best to get right back to you! 


If you have a question about a specific pattern, the best place to ask is in the Comments section on the Create side of our site. Just click the comment icon in the right margin of the pattern if you're on desktop, or at the very bottom of the pattern if you're on a mobile device. Check to see if your question has already been answered, and if it hasn't, ask away. We'll answer you as soon as possible!


And finally, if you have a question that would benefit from a live conversation, be sure to check out our free 1-On-1 Help. From choosing colors and materials to fixing mistakes, we're here to help! Just schedule a Zoom talk with one of our experts, and we'll get you all straightened out!

Our Warehouse

Our Santa Ana, California warehouse is not open to customers, but the address is...

2710 South Main Street, Suite A
Santa Ana, CA 92707

Other Inquiries

For other inquiries having to do with marketing, public relations, advertising, or donations, please email [email protected]. You can also write to this address if you would like to receive press releases with news of upcoming product launches.


Emailing or commenting directly on our site is the best way to reach us, but if you do need to call, we can be reached at (800) 597-PURL.


Our New York City Shop

Please click here for info about the closure of our New York City shop.